OK, we start with pride. We have broken our own speed record. Just 164 days – that’s how long it took for our trademark application in China to go through all the stages and end with a registration order. From filing to registration, 164 days!
After that, it was just a matter of formality and the Chinese Trademark Office sent us what we always wait for – our client’s Chinese Trademark Registration Certificate.
Greg – we did it for you!
This achievement is a testament not only to our efficiency, we are not afraid to say, but also to the changes taking place in the institution itself. The China Trademark Office has recently significantly accelerated the processing of applications. The improvements made and the digitalisation of the processes have significantly reduced the waiting times for entrepreneurs wishing to protect their trademarks in China. As a result, we can now boast that we registered a trademark behind the Great Wall in 5.5 months.
The key to success is obvious – good standard products and the distinctiveness of the mark. Trademarks that are clear and unique have an easier path through the examination stages.
The key to success is obvious – good standard products and distinctiveness of the mark. Clear and unique marks have an easier path through the verification stages.
This record is not only something to be proud of, but also a confirmation that a properly prepared application and an awareness of the peculiarities of the Chinese market are favourable. It’s also a signal to other entrepreneurs that with the right strategy and support, the Chinese trademark market is becoming more accessible.
Be the first to register your trademark – #File1st®.